Chi Gong Benefits for Seniors

Chi Gong is a form of moving meditation created thousands of years ago in China. “Chi” is the life force; “gong” means “to cultivate.” So when we do Chi Gong, we are cultivating our life force.  And who wouldn’t benefit from that?

Although cultivating the life force through Chi Gong is gentle, it also can be amazingly powerful. Chi Gong can help with depression, ADD/ADHD, high blood pressure, mental focus, sleep disorders, lack of energy, circulatory problems, strength, flexibility, sense of balance, and stress management. It also can be of immense benefit to the quality of life of the chronically, or even terminally, ill. Chi Gong focuses largely on breathing, so it also helps to oxygenate the blood and contribute to a sense of calm and well-being.

Because Chi Gong is performed slowly, tends to be gentle, and can be done either standing or seated, it is very well suited to seniors, as this Wall Street Journal article points out:]

Note that Chi Gong boosts both alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation, and beta waves, which are associated with focus. Chi Gong accomplishes this in a balanced way, so that beta waves do not predominate, thus eliminating the jangly feeling often associated with focus. Note also that Chi Gong has been shown to ease depression in various groups of people. It is, indeed, powerful medicine.  I’m happy to teach Chi Gong as part of my practice at reSource Wellness.